Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Reflection to ITEC 830 | February 26, 2008

In class tonight, Dr. Foreman introduce the class to Net.newsvibe, a social text company on the business end. Dr. Foreman will be sending our class a link to one of her collegues from the business sector on Netvibe.
Aaron Boyd, a former ITEC 830 student who has taught Economics in South San Francisco for 8 years, described how he implemented Web 2.0 technologies in an Economic curriculum. He used Dreamwever to created his website, created videos w/ Snapz Pro and iMovie, had the students form Blogs and Wikis in which they were able to collaborate on projects in on-line forums and stock market simulation games. Mr. Boyd used Google Docs, an on-line open-sorce which enabled the students to create Word documents, Spreadsheets, and Powerpoint presentations.
The Superintendent of his school district has contacted him about implementing a similar curriculum in their district.
Next, in class tonight, we discussed the criteria for our final project, an instructional piece that takes at least one hour. It should include information and activities that will help people process the skill. I believe it can be either Web instruction, in-class instruction, or a workshop to teach a specific skill.
After the break, Dr. Foreman introduced the clas to Flock a social web browser which organizes all RSS and webdites on your Home page. We also talked about Facebook and Googledoc.

Kirk did a good presentation on Tagging.

Class was over at 6:30 for the GAP workshop.

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