Monday, February 11, 2008

Reflection to George Siemens’ Connectivism Articles

Reflection to George Siemens’ Connectivism Articles

The rapid emergence of Web 2.0 technologies has greatly impacted how we live, learn, and communicate in the 21st century. The Internet provides access to information and various social network communities of individuals with similar interests or needs. Traditionally, the learning needs and theories that describe learning principles and process have been reflective of the underlying social environments.

In the article the author makes an analogy of the pipeline being a network with channels of information flowing through the pipes. For example, if the pipeline were an irrigational system, the channels would be used to disperse the water into sub canals in which the water can continue to flow to other areas. This avenue or informational highway allows several users from various parts of the world to access and utilize new information which is linked to their social networks.

The rapid development of technology has sped the pace, currency, and validity of new information. Today’s learners in the digital age are able to access a variety of databases, resources and other references, with search engines which link to similar websites, Blogs, RSS feeds , and other Web 2.0 technologies and communities . Blogs ,Wikis, and social networks, such as YouTube, Myspace, and Flicker allow members of their network communities to interact with members of their virtual communities. The continual changes and simultaneous dissemination of new information has changed many aspects of how we live and learn. People are able to use the expertise and experiences of others to resolve similar circumstances.

` In Western education, blended and emerging theories counterbalance established theories. The three dominate educational theories , Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constrructivism focus on how the learner demonstrates new knowledge or behaviors. These theories measure the individual’s ability to demonstrate specific knowledge rather than how to access or find new knowledge and information. Because of the rapid change, instant availability, and easy access to new information, the learners must develop skills which enable them to be able to find information rather than memorize it. Knowledge is growing so rapidly that the individual can not know everything. By utilizing a series of nodes, the individual creates a conduit with their network, which develops the whole network.

Connectivisim empowers the learner with resourceful links which are intertwined and interdependent with similar and diverse ideals. These pipelines are like threads of the World Wide Web, connecting and people, with people with similar interests. Connectivism has impacted several aspect of how people learn, think, and communicate on a daily basis. It is imperative that the educational theories are reflective of this rapid growth and adaptation of technology. Connectivism provides insight into learning skills and tasks needed for learners to flourish in a digital era.

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