Keys 2 Digital Music Final proposal
Keys 2 Digital Music (K2DM)
Learn to Play Simple Songs Using Garage Band 3
Submitted by:
Barry V. Dow
May 2008
Keys 2 Digital Music (K2DM)
Learn to Play Simple Songs Using Garage Band 3
Submitted by:
Barry V. Dow
May 2008
Table of Contents
The purpose of this instructional plan is to provide the novice and aspiring pianist / musician with the opportunity to learn how to play and create simple songs, using the rudiments of music theory, a computer, a digital piano, and their own creativity. The Keys 2 Digital Music project is designed to introduce the user to elementary and intermediate music theory and concepts, a variety of audio editing software, specifically Garage Band 3, and also some of the current Web 2.0 technologies which are impacting the ways music is being taught, created, and played today. A needs assessment revealed that there is a need to develop a system or approach which would eliminate the need for direct instruction and constant monitoring of an instructor. A CD Rom with a web-base component, could meet this to provide instructional materials, so that the learner would be able to work independently at their own pace. This project describes the development of the solution. The CD-ROM contains __ of sections. Each section of the unit, introduces the learner to new information or skills, has some practice exercises, and also requires the recording of new and important discoveries from the exercises on a Wiki, at, The learner will be guided through the unit with several short How-to-do training videos and some short flash animations. `The K2DM instructional plan also has an informational website, Keys 2 Digital Music, containing information pertinent to music concepts and theories, with several links to resources and other similar websites.
Introduction & Organizational Need
Project Description
Today, all you need is a computer, audio software, a keyboard, and your own creativity to play and create new music. The “Keys 2 Digital Music” project is a CD Rom -based instructional plan designed to introduce the novice pianist or musician to the piano, music notation, and the use of virtual instruments in the “World of Digital Music.”
Keys 2 Music introduces the use of the Apple music editing software, Garage Band 3. The project has a combination of self-paced, interactive components, graphs, diagrams, and screen shots of the piano, the Grand Staff, various menus of Garage Band 3, and a series of instructor guided “How-To-Do” training videos. The K2DM project includes several exercises which require the learner to set-up and maintain a Wiki and answer questions, relative to several topics, on Survey Monkey.
Each module in the piano section contains either a short How-to-do video, screenshots, diagrams, and / or instructions guiding the learner through the process. This is followed by a short assessment of the objectives from the module, with questions posted at the end of each section or on
1.2 Purpose
Garage Band 3 is an application used for Multi-Track Recording on the MAC. By using virtual instruments, multi-track recording, and sequencing the user can replicate or create music. The Garage Band 3 component incorporates screen-shots and How-To-Do videos, which guide the learner through three music composing features of Garage Band 3 (Keyboard view, Musical typing, Notation) This part of the project will also include “How -To - Do” videos pertaining to:
• Proper fingering and seating positions.
• Major scale and chord formulations.
• Introductory functions of Garage Band 3 menus, such as;
• Starting a New Project using Garage Band 3.
• Using virtual software instruments using Garage Band 3.
• Creating, sharing, and publishing Podcast using Garage Band 3.
This project’s completion will result in a CD Rom and Website which are the instructional plan created to teach the user the basic rudiments of music and how they are applicable to the piano. This unit will also introduce them to the most current tools and techniques used to create and play music in the 21st century.
1.3 Significance
The Keys 2 Digital Music instructional plan is an innovative approach to teaching traditional music theory and concepts with the aid of the most current technology, today. The project is designed to empower the learner with the skills and knowledge to combine simple music concepts with sophisticated applications, to play simple songs and /or create their own original compositions. The project is designed to visually direct the user with a variety of techniques, charts, and graphics which are used in the music domain.
Course Goals
Needs Assessment:
The felt need for this study is a district-wide technology curriculum that is standards-based, built upon the idea that technology is a tool for communication that teaches skills applicable to higher education and future careers. A comprehensive needs analysis was conducted to determine program goals and objectives, establish training priorities, evaluate existing resources, and determine appropriate methodologies for implementing a technology integration program for elementary education: spanning kindergarten through twelve grade, and also for the aspiring novice musician
A review of related technology curriculum shows that an abundance of material has been developed for computer related skills like typing and word-processing. However, technology has become a more capable tool as years have past, and personal computers are now capable of empowering students to communicate in multiple manners.
Many people are intimidated by the complexity of music theory and the amount of dedication and practice necessary to acquire the skills to play the piano. The purpose of this project is to introduce the novice and aspiring musician to playing and creating songs, by combining the rudiments of music theory with the audio recording technology being used today. I contacted three subject-matter-experts (SME),Dennis Billups, Michael Leftwich, & Doug Newsome of the “Gospel Elites“), to inquire about what would be the most effective methods of teaching the piano to At-Risk, inner-city adolescents in San Francisco’s Ingleside district. The primary restraints which I was faced with were:
1) The students are not easily accessible due to location and a conflict of time between the Afternoon program and myself.
2) The lack of Macintosh computers.
3) Inadequate number Garage Band 3 programs.
4) The students possessed little or no knowledge of music theory or concepts.
Here is a list of needs listed as Academic Content Standards for Visual and Performing Arts in kindergarten through grade twelve, adopted by the California State Board of Education.
Visual and Performing Arts, Music in:
• Processing, Analyzing, and Responding to Sensory Information Through the Language and Skills Unique to Music
• Students read, notate, listen to, analyze, and describe music and other aural information, using the terminology of music.
• Read and Notate Music
• Use icons or invented symbols to represent musical beats, sounds, and ideas.
• Listen to, Analyze, and Describe Music
• Identify the sources of a wide variety of sounds.
• Identify common instruments visually and aurally in a variety of music.
• Read, write, and perform simple rhythmic patterns, using eighth notes, quarter notes, half notes, and rests.
• Identify visually and aurally individual wind, string, brass, and percussion instruments used in a variety of music.
• Describe the way in which sound is produced on various instruments.
• Identify simple musical forms (e.g., AABA, AABB, round).
• Read, write, and perform melodic notation for simple songs in major keys.
• Read, write, and perform intervals and triads.
• Sight-read simple melodies in the treble clef or bass clef.
• Read, write, and perform intervals, chord patterns, and harmonic progressions.
The goal of this study is to identify the key aspects of the digital music training and the ways this approach could help children learn music.
Target Audience
2.4 Learner Analysis
Many people have aspired to create music, either for personal or professional entertainment. The target audiences for this project are students in the public schools of California, and the novice pianist and/or musicians. These learners come from many different cultures, having varying educational backgrounds, and musical abilities. The targeted audience for the Keys 2 Digital Music are novice musicians, or anyone who has the desire to work on the rudiments of music. It is created for the beginner interested in learning how to compose simple songs. Even though the learners lack the skills to play, they must be highly motivated. This high level of interest in the subject matter will help stimulate and maintain their interests. (Gelling, 2008)
Entry Level Behaviors:
The learner must possess basic entry-level computer skills and an ability to transfer information from one modality to another. The leaner must have the intellectual capacity to interpret and apply information from a chart or diagram (such as the Grand Staff or Circle of Fifths), to a digital or computer keyboard. The learner should have the English proficiency of a third grader in the California school district, in order to gain knowledge of the terminology used in the music discipline.
The learner must be cognitively able to comprehend and recognize the relationship between the notes of the piano keyboard, Grand Staff, and what they’re hearing. The learner must also be conscience of musical terms and symbols, such as , # (flat), b (sharp), 4/4 time signatures, and have a general idea of the fundaments of music. It is important not to overwhelm the learner with too much information that is too difficult, or to undermine their abilities by presenting material which is too easy or insufficient.
Learning Preferences:
The learners of the Keys 2 Digital Music are enthusiastic about leaning the basics of
music theory and composition. They are most excited with the opportunity to learn about
Sometimes they prefer to work in small groups of 2-3, but, most of the learners prefer to work individually or at home.
Motivation (ARCS - Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction Model): (1995)
To stimulate the interest of the learners, this project will include several How-To-Do \training videos and other short flash animations. The project will use several sound bytes of some of today’s popular Rap rhythms, beats, and melodies, synchronized with simple animations or other graphics or diagrams which are reflective of the main concepts being introduced.
Considering Analysis:
The Performance Analysis should help the ID develop a revised list of possible activities which would improve the delivery and effectiveness of the “Keys 2 Music” project. The primary objective is to develop instructional strategies which will be most cost - efficient and effective. The learner must embrace the new materials and support the new revisions in order to assist in the future development of the instruction unit.
2.5 Goals and Objectives
Most of the skills required are intellectual and psychomotor. At the completion of this training module, the learner will develop proficiency in the basic concepts of music theory and how they are applicable to the technology of today. The learner will also need to practice in order to develop the fine psychomotor skills, which are necessary for Eye – Hand coordination. By developing coordination between the physical act of playing the piano and the Intellectual Skills required to transfer the information from paper to the piano and perform or create simple songs,[14] rather than just simply retrieving information. The high-level goal is for the learner to be able apply the basic concepts of music theory to create a simple song using the Apple audio editing software, Garage Band 3.
Instructional Goals:
Using the instructional plan and information provided, the learners will be able to:
• Identify the keys of a piano keyboard
• Name the notes of the piano keyboard
• Draw the notes on the Grand Staff
• Differentiate between bass and treble clef
• Perform the notes of the major scales
• Describe the parts of the piano and their functions.
• Separate instruments into either analog or digital categories.
• Construct major chords.
• Play a simple three chord song.
• Set up and use a MIDI station
• Compose an original composition using Garage Band 3.
2.6 Media Selection
This CD-Rom based project will be a self-paced instructional system which can be used in any environment which has the necessary equipment ( Macintosh, Garage Band 3, and a digital piano available. The Keys 2 Digital Music project will combine elementary music theory and an advanced audio recording application, Garage Band 3. This will provide the tool for the learner to create an original contemporary song. The project will allow the learner to work at their own pace, individually, or in small groups.
Instructional Strategies
Rationale-Overview for Instructional Sequencing Strategies
In this project, there will be a variety of instructional activities used to teach I chose to use several instructional approaches, such as the Hierarchy, Procedural, Content-based, Elaboration, and Chronological Approaches for the sequencing of instruction . (1995) The rationale for these methods are that the intellectual and motor skills required to play music, requires information to be disseminated in a variety of ways, based on the content of the material. The primary instructional goals are developed from information acquired in the Front-End Analysis, several interviews with SMEs, and from the several music theory publications I have reviewed.
In order for the learner to read musical notes on the Grand Staff, he/she must be aware of the difference between the lines and spaces, how and what the notes represent. In Garage Band 3, the learner will be able to write music simply by writing in the proper notes and rhythms on a virtual Grand Staff,). The elaboration or linking of new information in a logical way, to prior information enables the learner to easily recall, process, and connect this new knowledge to their previously learned schema of musical concepts.
Each instructional goal is divided into its subordinate objectives, and presented using several methods of sequencing. The Hierarchy analysis technique by Gagne’ (Reigeluth, 1983), suggests identifying what the student already knows, so that a minimal amount of instruction is necessary. This elaboration or building on prior knowledge and concepts is very critical to the overall objective of being able to use the rudiments of music theory to create simple songs with digital software.
Content Outline
Outline of Learning Strategy Objectives
I History of Early String Instruments, including the Piano
Objective 1.1 Define the history of the Chordophone and other early string instruments which contributed to the development of the Piano.
Objective 1.2 Develop a correlation between early Chordophones, the Harpsichord, and the Piano.
II How the Piano Produces Sound
Objectives 1.3 Discusses the main functions of how sound is created.
Objective 1.4 Differentiate between Bass and Treble String.
Describe the functions of the pedals.
III Proper Hand, Body, and Sitting Positioning
Objective 1.5 Examine Proper Body Positioning and Sitting Posture.
Examine proper hand and fingering positioning.
IV Music Theory and Concepts
Objective 2.1 Name the keys of a keyboard.
Objective 2.2 Define notes associated with the keyboard and Intervals.
Objective 2.3 Label the lines and spaces of the Grand Staff.
Objective 2.4 Identify time signature and bar lines.
Objective 2.5 Make a correlation between the notes of the piano keyboard and the Grand Staff.
Objective 2.6 Perform multiple rhythms.
Objective 2.7 Identify the steps of a major scale.
Objective 2.8 Recognize the Circle of Fifths.
V. From Analog To Digital
Objective 3.1 Differentiate between Analog and Digital Instruments.
Objective 3.2 Examine Digital Studio / Audio Interface / MIDI.
Objective 3.2 Examine four (4) most common Digital Keyboards.
Objective 3.3 Examine Top 4 Leading Audio Software Programs.
VI. Working With Garage Band 3
Objective 4.1 Launch Garage Band 3 | Start A New Project.
Objective 4.2 Examine Software Instruments of Garage Band.
Objective 4.3 Working With Audio Files in Garage Band.
Objective 4.4 Create a project using Musical Typing Mode of Garage Band.
Objective 4.5 Create a project using Notation or Keyboard view of Garage Band.
Objective 4.6 Create a Podcast using Garage Band.
Section # 1- The instruction for, “The History of early string instruments, including the harpsichord and the piano, “ is based on a Chronological Approach.(2005) The content of the material introduces the learner to the early stringed instruments and the piano, according to their development chronologically. It provides the learner with information about the history and development of the piano, and several examples of the instrument. This section is basically an informational introduction to the instruments which were influential to the development of the piano.
Section #2- ‘How the Piano Produces Sound ‘, requires instructing the learner on some of the terminology associated with the anatomy of the piano and their functions. The sequence of instruction to be used in this section, requires the learner to identify the individual parts of the piano, and what their functions are. This follows the Elaboration Theory Sequencing Approach (1983). The learner will then elaborate on each of these individual parts, their functions, and how they can be combined in various groupings.
Section #3-‘Proper Hand, Body, and Sitting Positioning,’ will be presented using the Logical prerequisite model theory (Posner, 1976). This method of sequencing provides the learner with information which ensures the learner doesn’t develop any Bad Habits or improper body, or sitting positioning.
Section # 4- Music Theory and Concepts, is the main component of this project. The instruction will be presented with the Hierarchy Approach, with the subordinate objectives establishing the foundation for concepts to be presented later in the plan. According to Gagne’s Conditions of Learning (Gagne, 1965), each activity must provide sets of information and activities that guide, support, and augment the learners internal mental process.
Section #5- From Analog to Digital, will be an informational component of the project which will enhance the learners knowledge of the differences between analog and digital instruments / formats. The content- based Approach will be used to help the learner examine and make comparisons between the two formats. The learner will be able to identify several instruments in both formats, and determine which format is most appropriate for their recording.
Section #6- Working with Garage Band 3, will be presented with a Procedural Approach. The instruction will guide the learner through a series of steps, which will enable the learner to access virtual menus, similar to the mediums presented earlier in the module. The learner will be able to incorporate all of the newly acquired knowledge, from the lessons presented earlier, in the project, to create and perform short simple songs.
Scope of Work
Overall this project was a success. The purpose of this project was to create a digital music tutorial that would enable the user to play or create simple songs using Apple’s Garage Band 3 audio editing software program, a computer, and a digital keyboard. The Keys 2 Digital Music instructional plan is accessible via the Internet or on a CD Rom. The project also incorporated the most current Web 2.0 technologies currently being used in the music industry, such as joining music social networking communities (Youtube, Myspace), posting reflections and editing Wikis and Blogs, and taking assessment tests and surveys on The K2DM paradigm is a innovative approach to teaching music in a virtual teaching environment without the restraints usually caused by conflicting schedules, distance, or lack of detailed lessons.
Physical Aspects, Social Aspects, and Adaptability:
The piano is the largest instrument used in modern music. With the development of the digital piano , the technological improvements in synthesized sounds, and better sampling features, the need for the older acoustic pianos are slowly dissipating, in the main genres of modern music, ( Rock, R&B, Blues). The use of the digital piano and virtual instruments has provided the opportunity for the pianist / keyboard player to replicate the traditional acoustic piano and most of the other instruments of the orchestra. With the use of the audio multi-track recording software, the instrumentalist can create synthesized music which sounds as rich as a symphonic orchestra.
Primarily, the constraints associated with this project are having access to a Macintosh Computer, the Garage Band 3 software, a digital piano, and a feasible location to practice. This project will diminish the need for an instructor to physically monitor the learner. It also eliminates the additional complications of coordinating schedules for the pupil and the instructor, travelling back and forth to meet, and more importantly, the learner will have the freedom to work at their own pace. Some of the other constraints the learners may face are due to a lack of resources and access to the necessary tools being used in their production. This can hinder the actual hands-on experience necessary to develop familiarity and proficiency with the piano and audio editing software.
3.2 Prototype ***
Use of Pictures:
A wide variety of graphics and pictures are used throughout the entire K2DM plan. Several detailed graphics were created to guide the learner through each step of the lessons, graphs and charts were used to reinforce abstract concepts, and cartoon drawings presented difficult ideas as simplified animations. Several lessons were created with screenshots which guide the learner through a variety of menus of the Garage Band 3 application.
Progression of text complexity:
As can be seen from the progression of the instructional materials for students in this plan, the instructions move from being short and concise, to combinations of skills and techniques from prior lessons. This emphasis on learning to follow instructions is extremely important in relation to children’s cognitive development. As children learn the uses of technology, they will also learn the appropriate way to follow instructions by following each step of the process to get the desired effect.
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